Wednesday, May 18, 2016

, face off in dth match before ITC

It’s not exactly the thrilla’ in manilla, but a hvyweight fight is set in the otherwise staid patent courts. and , which both comprise most smartphone sales, are looking for a knockout, hoping to grab more market share and force rivals to pay up.Over the next several days, both companies are set to argue why sales of ch other’s smart should be blocked as both companies continue to point fingers. What’s in it for ? Potentially the loss of its most-popular handsets and throwing a roadblock in front of the Android express…Center ring will be the U.S. International Trade Commission, which as the patent wars have hted, went from a nerdy legal organization to a wpon for technology companies.Now, an hring to consider a ban of some handsets wasdelayed until August 9.Mnwhile, a bit of Washington thtre is underway as observers wait to see whether U.S. President Barack Obama will overturn the ITC’s ban of some iPhone 4 models set to begin Sunday.Whichever company wins the bruising fight could force the other back to the bargaining table and lucrative licensing fees. If a settlement is not quickly arranged,“bargaining positions could change very abruptly based on what happens in litigation, which is inherently unpredictable,”resrcher Nick Roi toldBloomberg.Patent lawyer Duane Morris told the news service that after a few punches land,“people get rsonable.” claims “deliberately copied”the designs and technology used in the iPad and iPhone, undercutting the company’s prices. argues won’t its technology, no matter the price. wants sale of some devices banned in the U.S., arguing a 2012 San Jose, Calif. court ruled that dozens of handsets violated iPhone patents. At the time, the judge ruled sales could continue, writing that there was no direct connection between the infringement by and why consumers decide to purchase smart.An ITC court also ruled that the South Korn smartphone maker infringed upon patents. In response, said the iPhone patents related to“such trivial ftures as translucent s and rounded rectangles.”Banning the products would harm both consumers and the smartphone market, the company argued.For , unless the White House and the U.S. Trade Representative step in to block the impending sales ban on some older iPhone 4 models, the move could damage sales of an incrsingly important portion of iPhone sales.Recent reports found the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4Scomprise almost halfof iPhone sales. It is rare for such intervention to happen. Indeed, the last time it occurred was during Ronald Rgan’s presidency and the case involved ’s memory chips.However, even if the ban against some iPhone 4s goes into effect, likely will quickly ask for a delay from the Federal Circuit in Washington, DC, which handles patent appls.According to Bloomberg, the chances are good that the ITC ban will be put on ice until September, whenyet another caseis expected to hrd – this time involving Google’s Mobility.

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