Wednesday, May 18, 2016

updates touch tech in upcoming iPads

DigiTimesin January wrote ’s fifth-eration iPad could adopt the iPad mini’s thin- touchscreen technology calledGF Ditto, also better known as GF2. NPD DisplaySrch is well-versed in all things concerning mobile screens and yesterday they corroborated the rumor.Specifically, DisplaySrch notes ’s shift toward in-cell display tech for theiPhone 5and GF2 for the upcoming iPads has resulted in major shifts in the touch-panel industry supply chain.Basically adouble-sided ITO , GF2has allowed to make theiPad minimuch thinner and significantly lighter compared to the bulkier G/G touchscreen tech driving the iPad 3.As theiPad 5is widely expected to adopt the iPad mini’s thin and light apprance, obviously a major part of that will be ’s adoption of the advanced GF2 technology…NPD DisplaySrchresrch director Calvin Hsieh says mobile phone and tablet PC touch technologies and sensor structures are evolving quickly,“due in large part to ’s move away from GG structure to in-cell touch technology and GF2”.And because has a relatively high market share and sells premium products that incorporate premium technologies, any technological movement on the firm’s part is“felt throughout the component supply chain,”Calvin noted.As for the iPad mini,DisplaySrch previously said is still torn betweenoxide TFT or LTPS backplane technology. Sharp is notably the biggest Oxide TFT cheerlder, while Display and prefer LTPS.DisplaySrch expects in-cell touch tech to nrly double from 7.3 percent of mobile phone shipments in 2012 to 13.7 percent in 2013. Shipments of GF2 sensor structure for tablets should rise from 4.7 percent in 2012 to as much as 28.4 percent in 2013.Call it the effect.Asian mediaclaimsFoxconn will exclusively assemble thenext iPad mini, though the device probablywon’t launch before 2014due toongoingchallengesdling with mass-production of 7.9-inch Retina panels.At any rate, should show its cards in October and KGI Securities analystMing-Chi Kuo is adamantthat the iPad 5 will be the“highlight of iPad in 2013.″’s current full-size iPads use a GG touch screen structure, as do all2007-2011 i. For the iPhone 5, engineers switched toin-cell technologywhich allows for a much thinner apprance by eliminatinga layer by building the capacitors inside the L assembly itself.The firm again switched to the more advanced GF2 for the iPad mini in 2012. Again, adopting GF2 tech in the upcoming iPad 5 is believed to have contributed in large part to its rumorediPad mini-like apprance, down to the skinnierbezels and chamfered edges.As for the iPhone 5S, is said to switch from the in-cell process toTouch-On-Display, a technology that shouldaddress the multitouch lag observed on the iPhone 5 when rapid-swiping.

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