Nikehas posted a significant update to its popular Running app today, bringing it to version 4.3. While the update only includes a handful of improvements, and one new fture, that new fture is a pretty big dl.It’s called Nike+ Challenges, and just as you’d expect, it allows you to challenge your friends to a race. You simply set the distance, send an invite to another Nike+ user, and the app will track ch of your progresses…Here are the relse notes for 4.3:INTRODUCING NIKE+ CHALLENGESRdy to take on your friends? With Nike+ Challenges, you’ll compete with your friends and motivate ch other to go farther and faster than ever before. Track your progress, top the lderboard, and snag a medal. Every run counts.• Choose a distance and invite your Nike+ friends.
• Keep track of who’s in the ld and stay motivated through group chats.
• Finish a Challenge before your friends and take home a medal. We’ll lve the bragging rights to you.Admittedly, I’ve seen similar ftures in other apps and products—I’m pretty sure my Jawbone UP did something to this effect—but I don’t know that I’ve ever seen it done this well, in rl time. Maybe it has been though.But outside of it just being a ‘cool fture,’ I think Nike+ Challenges serves as a reminder for folks to not overlook Nike asrumors swirlabout that and other companies are looking to get into the fitness tracking space.Think about it. Even if you forget theNike+ FuelBand, Nike has tracking sensors (or sensor spots) in nrly all its athletic shoe offerings. And it has a huge online community, with engaged forum users, and endless resources.Anyway, back to the app. It’s worth checking out if you haven’t alrdy—or even if it’s been a while. It receiveda huge face liftlast fall, and today’s update makes it that much better. You can find itin the App Store, for free.
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