Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sprint’s caption-calling CapTel service for hring impaired is now iOS-friendly

Wireless CapTel, Sprint’s nationwide caption-calling service for the hring impaired, is now available to owners of ’s iOS devices. America’s third-largest wireless carrierannouncedTuesday that owners of theiPhone, iPod touch and iPad devices who have a hring losscan download a brand new iOS app, free to users on an Everything Data plan (voice-only plans are not supported).As the software taps the power of the cloud, a network connectivity is a must. The app lets you spk and listen to your caller while at the same time rd everything the other person says, right on your iDevice’s screen…Here’s how it works:Specially trained ats use an enhanced voice recognition technology to caption your calls. All calls are kept secure and confidential. Captions are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in English, and from 7am to 11pm Central Time, 7 days a week in Spanish.Unlike traditional relay services, with CapTel thecaller never has to spk to a relay operator.The service is only available to folks who have a hring loss.On first run, you’ll be asked to sign up for the service. After registering, the app will get you a CapTel phone (different fromyour device phone )to use and receive captioned calls through the app.When people call your CapTel , or vice versa, the call will get routed to the iOS app. Therefore, it must be running to receive the call or otherwise the call will get forwarded to voicemail. CapTel will store your (captioned) voicemail for up to 30 days after the message is left.Check out a tour.Sprint’sWireless CapTelservice ispowered byUltratecandRaketutechnology.Sprint’sFAQprovides an insight into the magic behind CapTel:Specially trained ats use an enhanced voice recognition technology to caption your calls. All calls are kept secure and confidential. Captions are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in English, and from 7am to 11pm Central Time, 7 days a week in Spanish.The U.S.-only app (international are either blocked or terminated) ftures integrated contact list, call history, font size and color modifiions, built-in voicemail and more. It supportshands-free devices like hdsets and Bluetooth devices, but strangely enoughdoes not allow use of the spkerphone.Another cavt: although it can be used for emercy calling, Sprint cautions that such emercy calling“may not function the same as traditional 911/E911 services”.Available for some time on select Android devices (the Evo 4G, Optimus G, Galaxy SIII and others), theWireless CapTel app is now live on theApp Store.

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