Wednesday, May 18, 2016

/iOS continues ld as top mobile advertising platform by impressions & revenue

Opera Mediaworks, the“world’s lding mobile advertising platform”, is out today with its reportcovering the state of mobile advertising for Q2 2013. Using data from the over 35 billion mobile ad impressions its platform handles ch month, Opera Mediaworks gives some insight into ’s dominance with iOS and its huge ld over Android when it comes to revenue & impressions from tablets. continued to ld as the top platform in terms of monetization, with 44% of all ad impressions and close to half of total revenue (49.36%). Its ld over Android is largely due to the success of the iPad, however, as removing tablets from the equation puts Android smart and the iPhone neck and neck:However, when comparing mobile using iOS and Android the two OS are in a virtual tie for share of ad impressions, with just over 30% ch. Late last yr, Android inched ahd of iPhone with a slight ld (31% vs. 29%), but iPhone has been inching back and, within one percentage point ever since.Despite that, the iPhone still grabs the most revenue from those impressions with 36.4% of revenue compared to just 27.8% for Android. The report adds that “while in Q1 Android tablets began appring in our data set, their market share is still almost imperceptible.”When it comes to ad impressions by manufacturer, not surprisingly has quite a jump on two , with 43.8% of all impressions compared to ’s 17.4%.That’s just for smart, though, as the report has ’s share among tablets at 91.2% compared to just 6.1% for : is still the top manufacturer of mobile devices, with 43.8% of all impressions served on its devices. is the strongest contender from the rest of the pack, with a 17.4% share. Among tablets, captures the lion’s share (91.2%) with following at 6.1%.However, when segmenting the view to focus solely on Android device manufacturers, emerges as the clr lder, with 58.5% of impressions going to devices. , and fall far behind, all in the 7-11% range.

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