Wednesday, May 18, 2016

taps U.S. university professors to advise Supplier Responsibility program

As part of its never-ending efforts to improve working conditions at overss plantswhere its devices are being assembled, has enlisted help of eight professors from top U.S. universities to establishan academic advisory board for itsSupplier Responsibility program.The academics will provide guidance and advice to improve working conditionswithin ’s worldwide supply chain and help provide“safe and ethical working conditions wherever its products are made”…Jim Dalrymple ofThe Looppasses along a post over at The Watson Institute for International Studieswebsitewhich states the group led by Brown University Professor and Watson Institute Director Professor Richard Lockehas beenworking together for six months.Its main objectives are tostudy and make recommendations to about current policies and practices,conduct or commission new resrch on labor standards within ’s supply chain andshare existing resrch which may help improve those policies and practices.
’s supply chain visualized on a world map, viaChinaFile.The advisory board is made up of: Richard Locke (Watson Institute, Brown University), Chair Mark Cullen (Stanford University) Eli Friedman (Cornell University) Mary Gallagher (University of Michigan) Margaret Levi (University of Washington) Dara O’Rourke (University of California, Berkeley) Charles Sabel (Columbia University) Annelee Saxenian (University of California, Berkeley).Locke hopes that the board will shape the practices of and its suppliers so that the millions of employees involved in ’s supply chain work under safe and fair conditions, in which “they are paid living wages, work within the legal work hour regimes, [and] work in environments that are safe and where they can express their rights as citizens.”Resrch commissioned by the advisory board will be made public and the results will be published in professional journals. Despite criticism, Tim Cook & Co. are far ahd of the curve in their control of the supply chain, methinks. has also brought back some manufacturing jobs back to the United States by assembling the upcomingnext- Mac Proat itshundred-million-dollar factory in Texas.

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